Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Novel Idea

At St. Mark Youth Enrichment, we aim to do more than just help enrich the academics of children in the Dubuque area; our goal is to impact lives. Connections are key.

I think most people would agree that technology today has made the world much more open and enables us to communicate with fewer barriers. Most people always know where their smartphone or tablet is. We can text, chat, Skype, Tweet, Facebook and even write blogs! Now obviously, I am a big believer in technology and truly feel that it does bring many people closer in numerous ways. However...I have been noticing a trend in responses in the way we communicate.

A friend of mine recently attended a training in Los Angeles. He shared with me that while he was talking to individuals from across the nation about community engagement, people were in awe at how easily he was able to make connections in Dubuque.  To me, it's simple-I pick up the phone and call them or send them a simple email request to meet for coffee or lunch. You would be amazed at how many people really view this as a novel idea.

Connecting to people is the golden ticket. Whether it's at one of our monthly lunch and learns, a Chamber event, Community Connections meeting, or meeting someone face to face, these are the times when connections are made. By connecting, I don't mean just exchanging business cards and giving the elevator speech, I mean showing your true, real self at face value.

While this is a key step in doing business, it's also important to our mission. When we have staff and volunteers who truly connect with a student, there is a lifelong impact that is made. Maybe connecting by meeting someone where they're at or calling them on the phone isn't such a novel idea-maybe it's the way we should be communicating and want to be communicated with.

If you are reading this, fantastic!! But please know that if you would like to learn more about what we do at St. Mark Youth Enrichment or would just like to get to know us a little better personally, we are very open to meeting with you and would love the chance to get to know you more as well! When connections are made and collaborations are formed, we can not only make an impact on an individual's life, but also on the community. We look forward to forging ahead in this technological world alongside you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the thought provoking blog entries! I agree that personal connections can be a powerful tool for any organization. The personal interaction that occurs allows the donor feel good about their contribution while the organization is validated for its mission. After the connections, you begin the all powerful next step which is networking. In this phase you can be rewarded by all the positive connections spreading the word to others without you even knowing it. Keep up the great work!

    Coach Mark
