Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throw Back Thursdays

I think all of us would like to be known as innovators. We all want to create that little piece of history in the world where someday people will look back and think, "Wow, whoever thought of that was really smart!" How great would it be to leave behind a legacy? The legacy I am referring to in this post is the person who came up with #tbt (known outside of the web world as Throw Back Thursdays-old photos that people post on Thursday).

I will admit that at first when I saw people posting pictures of their big hair in the 80's or the braces they had when they were in 3rd grade, I wondered why anyone would want to broadcasts the pictures that they would rather keep hidden or forgotten. Then I started to read the comments that people were posting about the pictures. It is amazing to see the story that one person can tell about a single picture and so much more captivating to see when multiple people begin to build stories off those stories.

Three weeks ago I started to post pictures to our Twitter and Facebook account with the link #tbt of our programs when they first began.  These programs or sessions took place in the same facility we are in now. They would begin with a song that they all sang together to build their own safe community. From there they would have a snack and work with a volunteer who helped mentor them and work on their homework.

One of the first donor visits I went on when I started here at St. Mark just a little over 5 months ago was with two women who were a part of the St. Mark story from the very beginning. Even after 25 years, the stories were fresh in their minds and of course they pulled out their photo albums to share their pictures of everyone else who was involved and played a role in getting the program started.

If you haven't already, please check us out on Facebook and Twitter and look at the Throw Back Thursday photos from the past. Feel free of course to comment on the fashion, haircuts and technology that at the time were trendy, but more importantly, learn our story and watch us grow.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Novel Idea

At St. Mark Youth Enrichment, we aim to do more than just help enrich the academics of children in the Dubuque area; our goal is to impact lives. Connections are key.

I think most people would agree that technology today has made the world much more open and enables us to communicate with fewer barriers. Most people always know where their smartphone or tablet is. We can text, chat, Skype, Tweet, Facebook and even write blogs! Now obviously, I am a big believer in technology and truly feel that it does bring many people closer in numerous ways. However...I have been noticing a trend in responses in the way we communicate.

A friend of mine recently attended a training in Los Angeles. He shared with me that while he was talking to individuals from across the nation about community engagement, people were in awe at how easily he was able to make connections in Dubuque.  To me, it's simple-I pick up the phone and call them or send them a simple email request to meet for coffee or lunch. You would be amazed at how many people really view this as a novel idea.

Connecting to people is the golden ticket. Whether it's at one of our monthly lunch and learns, a Chamber event, Community Connections meeting, or meeting someone face to face, these are the times when connections are made. By connecting, I don't mean just exchanging business cards and giving the elevator speech, I mean showing your true, real self at face value.

While this is a key step in doing business, it's also important to our mission. When we have staff and volunteers who truly connect with a student, there is a lifelong impact that is made. Maybe connecting by meeting someone where they're at or calling them on the phone isn't such a novel idea-maybe it's the way we should be communicating and want to be communicated with.

If you are reading this, fantastic!! But please know that if you would like to learn more about what we do at St. Mark Youth Enrichment or would just like to get to know us a little better personally, we are very open to meeting with you and would love the chance to get to know you more as well! When connections are made and collaborations are formed, we can not only make an impact on an individual's life, but also on the community. We look forward to forging ahead in this technological world alongside you!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Get Engaged!

Thousands of students have participated in our program. We have impacted countless families during the Christmas season and at the start of the school year. We believe in the value of a safe and supportive community. We foster hopes and dreams of the future leaders of our community. Our vision is for every child to have the opportunity to succeed. We are St. Mark Youth Enrichment.

Although we have been in the Dubuque community for over 25 years, there are still many people who do not fully understand what we do. Our mission is simple. We provide academic and social support to school aged youth and their families. As an agency we are growing, and unfortunately, so are the needs of many of the families we serve.  Children from low-income families have more hurdles ahead of them in life. Just to give one example, statistically, they have less books than their more advantaged classmates which correlates to lower reading and math scores as well as graduation rates. Proven fact.

Whether you are already a strong supporter of the work we do at St. Mark Youth Enrichment with before, after and summer learning or if you are new and would like to know more, you have come to the right place. Now is the time to get engaged in the lives of youth who truly need your support.  This blog will serve as a story board to help you see how we engage in the community and give ideas on how we can stay connected even more!

Thank you for joining us!